



Is NPS truly ‘the growth marketer’s secret weapon’?

by | Aug 5, 2019 | Marketing Essays

My new column is out in The Drum:

“We all felt like we were in an episode of The Benny Hill Show, chasing the NPS football.”

So said Gray Dudek, the founder and technology director of British creative agency Giants and Titans, while he recounted a story from a prior job 10 years ago.

“Net Promoter Score was the raging score that everyone zeroed in on and obsessed over. I was in a senior role at an international company, and we had our NPS on our wall, updated every Friday.

“We’d spend the week after the update searching to find out was going on with the score because it had dropped by 0.5 points. Then Friday would come again, the update would happen and the score had jumped up 1.5 points.

“So, we’d ditch the hunt for the 0.5 drop from last week and head off looking for the reason for the net gain of 1. And this carried on for months.”

Running around to Yakety Sax music aside, the popularity of NPS has continuously grown so much that today even the global Growth Marketing Conference series has called it “the growth marketer’s secret weapon”.

But is that true?

Read the rest here.

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