



Learn From a Professional Public Speaking Coach

After careers in journalism and marketing, I am now a professional business speaker and public speaking coach as well as a member of Toastmasters International.

coronavirus vaccine
vaccine certificate

Coronavirus Vaccine Status

The Israeli government is in the process of vaccinating everyone quickly. Samuel should be free to travel without restrictions and with a vaccination form by the end of January.

Speak at Events Like These

Both virtually and in person, Samuel has given inspirational and informative breakout and keynote addresses at events throughout the business world.

public speaking coach
how to speak in public

What You Will Learn

One framework I use is the 4 Ps in marketing:

Product — You and your speech. How should you position yourself in the speaking market, what should you say, and how should you say it? How should you speak on stages and over virtual online platforms?
Price — Should you charge a fee? Speak for free but use the talks to promote your business somehow? Something else?
Place — Where and to whom should you speak? Online, in person, or both?
Promotion — How can you promote yourself and your speeches as well as advertise to get future events?

Born and raised in the United States, I am now based out of Tel Aviv. I am available for regular public speaking coaching calls, long-term consulting, company and event workshops, and even on-site coaching. In the future, I may offer an online public speaking class or other similar course.

A 60-Second Introduction


Public Speaking Workshops

I also give marketing workshops at conferences and companies.

Fees, Recommendations, and Schedule