Why PR is Still the Best Branding Tool

What is a “brand”? To discuss modern branding strategy effectively, we first need to define our terms. The American Marketing Association and Wikipedia define the word as “name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s...

The Coming Integration of PR and SEO

For those who are interested in learning more about the relationship between SEO and PR, a new essay of mine is now live on Moz! Earlier this year, I published a Moz post that aimed to introduce the basic principles of public relations that SEOs and digital marketers,...

Want to Learn How to Integrate SEO and PR?

Update: Missed my webinar? You can watch it here! Dear friends, This coming Tuesday, I will be hosting a free webinar at Moz (a Mozinar!) at 10:30 a.m. (Pacific Time in the United States) on how to combine PR and SEO into a holistic marketing strategy. I hope to see...

What Public Relations Can Learn From SEO

Insert links into press releases that include targeted keywords in the text of the links and then publish and distribute them throughout the Internet. If you work in public relations, that statement is probably what you think when you hear the term “SEO.” But the...